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Bearing components
Mechanical braking, aerodynamic braking system
Project managing & engineering, platform/substation removal preparation, foundation/substructure removal, etc.
Transformers, switchgear, lighting equipment, back-up support systems, etc.
Clutches, couplings, etc.
Power systems, drivers, motors
Onshore, offshore
Pitch system, yaw system
Remote control & monitoring systems, sensoring, IoT, SCADA, communications, data analytics, etc.
Dimensional control / verification, instrument testing, laboratory testing, NDT, etc.
Lubrication and maintenance systems
Cost and risk reduction services, weather forecasting, components replacement, vessel access systems and crew transfer, helicopter support, etc.
Secondary steel, sensors, chemicals, lubricants, instrumentation, communication systems, cooling, insulation, etc.
Converters, statcoms, etc.
Offshore structures
Wells, bi-radial, horizontal axis, vertical axis, etc.
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